AgilityEco's Impact Report 2019-2020

Our latest impact report looks at the highlights from what was a truly exceptional year for AgilityEco.

This was the year we delivered a greater level of social impact than ever before, broadening the depth and variety of support offered to  fuel poor and vulnerable households.

We gained the support of an experienced investor in the form of Bridges Evergreen Holdings and managed numerous complex projects that have met the highest standards of compliance, professionalism and excellence. With the associated pressures of the Covid-19 pandemic during the latter half of the year, AgilityEco has had an exceptionally busy 12 months. 

In our latest report, we showcase some of the fantastic achievements from our various community and vulnerability support services as well as some of the projects that run alongside these. We're delighted to include a few personal experiences from our customers too!

We hope you enjoy reading this latest impact report.